How to Overcome Anything and Achieve Your Dreams in 2017

How to Overcome Anything and Achieve Your Dreams in 2017

"How many bottles have you got to get rid of?” she said, the day I told her my very first batch of HighBorn London Pre-Eminent Beauty Serum was ready for sale.

My eyelids froze, my heart sank, I lurched back through what she’d just said ...


I’d just spent the best of part of 18 months battling my way through chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and more to beat breast cancer. While I did that I kept myself positive and focused on finally achieving my childhood dream to have my own beauty business that really helped people and all she could say was ... “How many have you got to get rid of?”!!

As if everything I’d dreamt about, planned, sweated and cried over was worthless ...  just  ... well ... something to ‘get rid of’!

Could she not see how much this meant to me?

Did she not realise how many people needed help to look and feel better about themselves? How many people were crying out for a 100% natural, safe yet luxury beauty products that worked?

Didn’t she have any faith in me achieving anything?

I don’t know …

It’s not really important anyway.

But here’s what is important … And it’s about YOU.

Wherever you are in your life right now and whatever hopes, dreams and aspirations you have. However far fetched, outrageous, expensive, complicated even dangerous they may be; YOU CAN DO IT.

Some people will tell you can’t.

Some people will smile at you as if to say ‘how sweet, let her have her little dream’.

Some people will try and stop you without even meaning to.

Some people will be hurtful ... 

You see, too often, they have their own hopes, dreams, aspirations that they’ve buried, hidden, smothered because they don’t want to feel the pang of disappointment, the cold sweat of failure that they haven’t become reality.

But that’s not you.

Being diagnosed with breast cancer at just 34 was the worst and yet equally the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Not everyone like me makes it this far and not a single day goes by that I’m not eternally grateful for every single second I have on this magnificently ‘crazy’ planet with Henry, Henry (junior), Matilda and all my beautiful friends and family.

So whatever hopes, plans, dreams you have, no matter how far away they may seem … take a step towards them today.

That is ALL I did. And you can do it too.

Because you see ... your dreams are in fact, much, much, much closer than you could ever imagine x.

See you soon,

Tracey Broadway
HighBorn London (Founder)

“It’s about beauty. It’s about class. It’s about you.

PS: You're amazing x


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I had an early menopause which had left my skin with sore, red and flaky patches on my face. (Opted not to have HRT) I have plastered myself in well known brands of moisturiser, tried exfoliating, anything that I thought would help. Nothing worked and ususally just exacerbated the problem. After reading the reviews thought I would just try it as had nothing to loose. ( Purchased the full kit, as I thought it was good value) I had lost the confidence to wear make up as I just looked awful after an hour or so. One week in to using the Highborn London products, the patches are pale pink, hardly noticeable, and no flakiness. I have even worn the tiniest amount of foundation and my skin still looked and felt nice at the end of the day. So excited to see the results with longer term use. Thank you, you have no idea how much this has turned my life around.

Sharon Smith

I have started using Highborn Tracey and I love it. I’m very keen on skin care and yours is excellent. I have osteoarthritis and had my first hip replacement in May the 2nd due in a few weeks time. I’m so much better than I was and hoping will be fully better soon! With being on lots of pain killers for ages my skin and hair suffered. Now I’m taking less I see how that helps and your skin care is helping me too, its rich and very nourishing. Thank you. You must have done so much in creating these lovely products. I’m so pleased that you are well and happy. Thank you so much. Linda. X

Linda Hetherington

Who is “she”???
Who said this to you Tracey?


I love your products, my skin feels so comfortable. I have only been using them for 3 days and my skin looks more dewy. It feels like wrapping your skin in a blanket, sounds weird but my skin just feels so soft and comfortable!!

Dawn Van Gelderen

I have been using the seerum and moisturiser for quite some time now and my skin looks great. I get family to purchase for me for birthday mother’s day etc the products are wonderful and they work. Just trying the cleanser now.


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