5 Facial Exercises To Boost Your Skincare
So, you've found your favourites and mastered your regime. Great! But did you know, incorporating a simple facial exercise routine will help take your skin to the next level? And here’s why ...
You have around 43 muscles in your face. Yes, that sounds like quite a lot and they all play a part in your natural beauty. And just like the muscles in the rest of your body, if you don’t give them some attention, they’ll weaken at a faster rate.
Without strong facial muscles, your skin will lose strength and structure which, as you know, can result in sagging, fine lines and a general ‘meh’ look to your complexion. Yes, this is all a natural part of ageing, but you can take some control and give those muscles a helping hand with a regular facial workout.
So, let’s hit the facial gym, shall we? No need to panic ... the beauty of this kind of workout is you can do it anywhere – hurrah! Here are five simple face exercises to target common areas of concern ...
1. Kiss The Sky
Great For: Firming your neck and jawline.
How To: Tip your head back and look up towards the sky while pursing your lips. Hold for around 10 seconds. Release and repeat 10 times.
2. Pop Goes The Weasel
Great For: Smoothing fine lines on your cheeks.
How To: Stick your tongue up into your cheek as far up to one side as it will go, then make small circles up and down. Do this five times in one direction, five in the other, then move your tongue to the other side and repeat.
3. Rapid Eye Movement
Great For: Toning the eye area.
How To: Work a little Imperial Eye Gel between the pads of your middle and ring fingers, then place them on each of your temples. Hold your fingers there and apply light pressure while blinking as quickly as possible for about 10 seconds. Take a break, repeat five or six times, then smooth any excess product underneath your eyes for a little extra anti-ageing care.
4. The Bullfrog
Great For: Plumping your cheeks.
How To: Take a deep breath then puff your cheeks out as hard as you can while keeping your lips closed. Hold for a few seconds then release and breathe naturally. Repeat 10 times.
5. Take A Brow
Great For: Lifting sagging eyelids.
How To: Gently lift your eyebrows with your fingertips, while simultaneously using the muscles in your brows to push them down in the opposite direction. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat five times.
Finish With A Facial Treat? Yes Please ...
For the ultimate post-workout treat, shift those dull, dead skin cells with a gentle, facial scrub. Natural Luminosity Scrub is perfect here! And you can reveal radiant new skin in minutes. Finally, take your anti-aging workout to a whole new level by tapping a few drops of Organic Age-Defying Facial Oil onto your skin. If a facial oil is new to you, hear Leanna's first impressions and how she incorporates it into her regime in her video here.
How Often Should You Work Out Your Skin?
If you can, try to set aside 15 minutes, a few times a week to work out your skin. But don’t stress if life gets in the way. Even one or two exercises, a couple of times a week (maybe while you’re making coffee or waiting for the shower to warm) will make a difference. Little and often is still beneficial.
So 'Kiss the Sky', 'Take a Brow' and pop that cheeky weasel to supercharge your skincare regime! But most of all, enjoy this precious me-time and maybe even have a giggle with it too.
I have been doing facial exercises for a few years now after buying a book at a bootsale for 50p and they really do work. With the addition of your beauty products, my skin has never felt so good.
Great help re facial exercises.
Great facial work out! Will do these every other day, thanks HighBorn.